“Dancing with the Stars” has a long and illustrious history. The TV competition reads like a dictionary of injuries to the feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. Serious dancers are serious athletes, and they rarely use the lightweight, sport-specific footwear that the majority of athletes do. Ballroom dancing, whether professional or recreational, takes a toll on the feet and ankles of dancers. Injuries abound, and chronic illnesses are unavoidable.




Ballroom dancing necessitates a whole separate shoe wardrobe for both men and women. A lace-up oxford, similar to a typical dress shoe, is worn by men. Women’s dance shoes are heels with a height ranging from 1″ to 3″, with 2.5″ being the typical. To allow for seamless glide around the dance floor, all dancing shoes have thin suede soles. With so little support on such a hard floor, it’s no surprise that ballroom dancers suffer from foot and ankle problems. Despite the fact that certain women’s dancing shoes include built-in arch támogatás or cushioning technologies, ballroom dance instructors and studios advise using orthotics.




The serious ballroom dancer need orthotics that are custom-designed for their specific feet, as well as inserts that may handle a flat foot or a high arch, or safeguard a developing neuroma. Dancers who do not have proper support are at danger of suffering from any of the following frequent dance injuries:




The “pushing-off” for a jump or lift causes metatarsalgia (inflammation of the ball of the foot). This painful condition can also be caused by high-impact sports.

Sesamoiditis, also known as “turf toe,” causes pain in the ball of the foot, particularly beneath the big toe. It’s more common in high-impact dancing styles.

Small breaks of the long bone on the outside of the foot / lower leg are known as stress and “dancers’ ” fractures. It typically occurs after the dancer has completed a jump.

Overuse injuries such as shin splints cause pain in the front of the shin bone (tibia). Lúdtalp are frequently to blame.

Hammertoe is normally inherited; however, breaking ligaments on the bottom of the toes can cause it to develop in dancers.

Overuse problems such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinopathy can put a dancer out of commission.

Ankle impingement is a common dance problem caused by a dancer’s foot being over-extended toward the shin (dorsiflexion), compressing bony or soft tissues in the anterior ankle joint.

Szemes fasciitis, if left untreated, can lead to heel spurs. They cause persistent pain and may require EPAT or surgical removal in some circumstances.

The impact of the foot being thrust forward in high heels causes Morton’s neuroma in dancers. It’s not easy to get rid of.



Off-the-shelf, mass-produced orthotic inserts are unable to provide the protection required by a ballroom dancer. Custom-designed orthotics can boost your foxtrot, whether you want to avoid injuries or require extra support while recuperating from one. Inquire with your podiatrist about which type of orthotic is ideal for your dancing routine, and then choose from our various options, including sport and high heel. From the comfort of your own home, custom fit and order.

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